You MUST live in Rotary District 7390 to Participate in Our Contests!

These Four-Way Test Speech & Essay Contests are ONLY for students that live within Rotary District 7390! Rotary D7390 encompasses Adams, Cumberland, Dauphin, Lancaster, Lebanon, Perry and York Counties in South Central PA. If you DO NOT live within one of these counties in South Central PA, you CANNOT participate in our Contests! Click here to find a Rotary Club in your Area! 

The Rotary Four-Way Test

One of the world’s most widely printed and quoted statements of ethics is The 4 Way Test, which was created in 1932 by Rotarian Herbert J. Taylor. Adopted by Rotary in 1943, The 4 Way Test has been translated into more than a hundred languages and published in thousands of ways. It asks the following four questions of the things we think, say and do. 



Interested in the SPEECH Contest? Look to the LEFT! 



Interested in the ESSAY Contest? Look to the RIGHT! 

Four-Way Test SPEECH Contest

The 2024-2025 Rotary Four Way Test Speech Contest is underway! The 2025 Mid-Level Contests will be held in March of 2025. Students who advance from club level competitions throughout Rotary District 7390 will be assigned to one of the Mid-Level Contests. Students will be contacted with the location and time (all mid-level competitions will be held in-person). The finale for the Speech contest will be held at the Rotary District Conference in April 2025. 

We would like to hear your thoughts on how the Four Way Test Can Impact your Everyday Life. That is the prompt for 2024-2025!


How the Rotary District 7390 Four-Way Test Speech Contest Works

Contestants must currently be in attendance (in either grade 10, 11 or 12) at a public or private high school, charter school or home schooled within Rotary District 7390 (Adams, Cumberland, Dauphin, Lancaster, Lebanon, Perry or York County). No student may be a contestant in more than one club contest in any one year. Nothing in our rules prohibits clubs from developing their own procedures, requirements, and/or guidelines for their contest. Contestant Entry Forms must be submitted before participation. Prizes at the finals will be $1250 for the winner, $750 for 2nd place, $500 for 3rd place, and then $250 each for 4th & 5th place. 

Register Today! 
Registration Deadline: March 7, 2025
ONLY Complete this Registration Form if you are the winner of the Club Level Speech Contest!
NOTE FOR CLUBS - Only ONE student per school District may participate in the Mid-Level Competition!
2024-2025 Mid-Level Contests
These will be held in late March. Check back often for the dates and locations! You MUST attend a mid-level competition to move to the finals! 
Please contact District Co-Chairs
Mike Handshew 
Cal Kent
Four-Way Test ESSAY Contest


In 1932, Herbert Taylor, a Rotarian from Chicago, penned the Four – Way Test as a guiding principle in his efforts to rescue a  near-bankrupt aluminum company from complete financial collapse.  He succeeded in his task and ever since that time Rotarians across the world have adopted Mr. Taylor’s Four Way Test as one of Rotary’s core values.
While you may not be confronted with rescuing a failing business, we are interested in reading an essay about how the 4-Way Test can impact challenges and situations you may face in your everyday life.
We would like to hear your thoughts on how the Four Way Test Can Impact your Everyday Life. That is the prompt for 2024-2025!


Eligibility:  Ninth Grade Students.
Due Date: Participating Clubs must submit essays to the District Office for consideration in the District Contest no later than March 7, 2025. Rotary Clubs will set a date that Essays are due from the Students. 
Format:  The essay should be submitted in .pdf format and suitable for printing on 8.5 x 11.0 paper.  The text should be double spaced in 12-point font (Arial or Times New Roman are preferred).  Do not insert identifying information such as a name or school on any sheet except the cover sheet.  Do not insert graphics. 
Number of Copies:  Essays (with cover sheet) should be e-mailed to the Rotary District 7390 Office -  Club chairs without e-mail capability should mail their winning essay to the district office.
Essay Length:  The essay must not exceed 1500 words in length.
Cover Sheet:  A cover sheet must be attached to each essay. See the attached format for the Cover Sheet. Click here for a fillable PDF cover sheet
Original Work:  The essay must be the original work of the student submitting the essay for competition.  Team writing, parental participation, and the use of works written by other sources, even if foot-noted, is not authorized.  Participating students will sign a pledge on the Cover Sheet stating that the essay is their original work.


Four-Way Test Essay Contest Chair:
Steve Grubb
Tel(Cell): (717) 576-8145
2023-2024 Winning Essays
First Place Edwina Caulker (Hershey)
Second Place Emma Parsons (Eastern Lancaster County)
Third Place Hannah Theodore (York-North)
2022-2023 Winning Essays
First Place Meagan Rottet (Elizabethtown)
Second Place Isabella Badolato (Myerstown-ELCO)
Third Place Alfred J. Nazeeri (Palmyra)
Official Rules