Since 1987, The Rotary Club of York-East has had a long history of supporting our local and international communities. In celebration of our 35th Anniversary Year and in conjunction with Rotary International’s “Imagine” Theme, York-East undertook a “Dream Big” Community Project to award $10,000 to a local cause. The club sought out Dream BIG project ideas from members and looking for local organizations to support. The club members heard from several well deserving grant applicants and choose the Advantage Program because it’s sustainability and impact on the youth in our local community. The Advantage Program is a youth mentorship program geared to expose middle and high school aged children to life’s opportunities. Mentors and mentees meet weekly on Saturday’s for a two-hour time period. During these sessions the curriculum includes topics such as entrepreneurship, financial literacy, civil engagement, culinary arts, athletics, and business principles. Once per month, the Advantage Program aims to expose participating youth to an event or venue outside of York County such as, HBCU’s, NASA, music concerts, college sporting events, historic museums, and other professional sporting events. The overall goal of the Advantage Program is to expose our youth to different life opportunities as well as multiple career paths. The program hopes to be able to provide necessary school items during the school year as well as a scholarship to college. By helping each youth to create a plan for their lives and identifying possible career paths and opportunities, they believe they can keep each student focused on positivity and achieving their goals.

Picture left to right: Karen Comery - Club President, Kate Rohrbaugh, Tavon Parker, Brandon Parker, Elizabeth Wolfe - Club President Elect, Greg Kern - Committee Chair